OES/OISTCWGDenumire WGGrup de lucruNumePrenumeInstituţiaNumăr comitet tehnic naţional
CENELEC/TC 8X/WG 07/Power frequency measurement for DER managementCENELEC/TC 8X/WG 07/Power frequency measurement for DER managementALBU MihaelaUniversitatea Politehnică Bucureşti, Fac. Inginerie Electrică1671
IEC/TC 8/SC 8B/JWG1/General Planning, Design, Operation and Control of MicrogridsTC 8/SC 8B/JWG 1/ General Planning, Design, Operation and Control of MicrogridsALBU MihaelaUniversitatea Politehnică Bucureşti, Fac. Inginerie Electrică167
IEC/TC 77/SC 77A/WG 9/Power Quality measurement methodsIEC/TC 77/SC 77A/WG 9/Power Quality measurement methodsALBU MihaelaUniversitatea Politehnică Bucureşti, Fac. Inginerie Electrică30
IEC/TC 8/JWG 12/Requirements for frequency measurement used to control DER and loadsIEC/TC 8/JWG 12/Requirements for frequency measurement used to control DER and loadsALBU MihaelaUniversitatea Politehnică Bucureşti, Fac. Inginerie Electrică167
IEC/TC 8/WG 55/Uncertainty evaluation in the calibration of Instrument TransformersIEC/TC 38/WG 55/Uncertainty evaluation in the calibration of Instrument TransformersALBU MihaelaUniversitatea Politehnică Bucureşti, Fac. Inginerie Electrică8
IEC/SyC LVDC/WG 1/LVDC Standards for Electricity AccessIEC/SyC LVDC/WG 1/LVDC Standards for Electricity AccessALBU MihaelaUniversitatea Politehnică Bucureşti, Fac. Inginerie Electrică167
IEC/TC 8/JWG 9/LVDC distributionIEC/TC 8/JWG 9/LVDC distributionALBU MihaelaUniversitatea Politehnică Bucureşti, Fac. Inginerie Electrică167
IEC/TC 8/SC 8B/WG 3Microgrid monitoring, control and energy management systemsIEC/TC 8/SC 8B/WG 3/Microgrid monitoring, control and energy management systemsALBU MihaelaUniversitatea Politehnică Bucureşti, Fac. Inginerie Electrică167
IEC/SyCLVDC/PT 63255/Predicting Electrical CompatibilityIEC/SyCLVDC/PT 63255/Predicting Electrical CompatibilityALBU MihaelaUniversitatea Politehnică Bucureşti, Fac. Inginerie Electrică167
ISO/TC 268/SC 1/WG 6/Disaster risk reductionISO/TC 268/SC 1/WG 6/Disaster risk reductionALDEA AlexandruUTCB3971
ISO/TC 147/SC 4/WG 21/ValidationISO/TC 147/SC 4/WG 21/ValidationANTONIU SilviaInstitutul de Diagnostic şi Sănătate Animală521
ISO/TC 147/SC 4/WG 22/Quality control of membrane filtersISO/TC 147/SC 4/WG 22/Quality control of membrane filtersANTONIU SilviaInstitutul de Diagnostic şi Sănătate Animală52
ISO/TC 147/SC 4/WG 23/Pseudomonas aeruginosaISO/TC 147/SC 4/WG 23/Pseudomonas aeruginosaANTONIU SilviaInstitutul de Diagnostic şi Sănătate Animală52
ISO/TC 147/SC 4/WG 2/Coliforms (E. coli and other coliforms)ISO/TC 147/SC 4/WG 2/Coliforms (E. coli and other coliforms)ANTONIU SilviaInstitutul de Diagnostic şi Sănătate Animală52
ISO/TC 147/SC 4/WG 10/LegionellaISO/TC 147/SC 4/WG 10/LegionellaANTONIU SilviaInstitutul de Diagnostic şi Sănătate Animală52
ISO/TC 147/SC 4/WG 14/CampylobacterISO/TC 147/SC 4/WG 14/CampylobacterANTONIU SilviaInstitutul de Diagnostic şi Sănătate Animală52
ISO/TC 147/SC 4/WG 17/Legionella by PCRISO/TC 147/SC 4/WG 17/Legionella by PCRANTONIU SilviaInstitutul de Diagnostic şi Sănătate Animală52
ISO/TC 147/SC 4/WG 27/Culturable microorganismsISO/TC 147/SC 4/WG 27/Culturable microorganismsANTONIU SilviaInstitutul de Diagnostic şi Sănătate Animală52
ISO/TC 147/SC 4/WG 25/Waterborne and nosocomial bacteriaISO/TC 147/SC 4/WG 25/Waterborne and nosocomial bacteriaANTONIU SilviaInstitutul de Diagnostic şi Sănătate Animală52
ISO/TC 147/SC 4/WG 29/EnterococciISO/TC 147/SC 4/WG 29/EnterococciANTONIU SilviaInstitutul de Diagnostic şi Sănătate Animală52
ISO/TC 147/SC 4/WG 18/E. coliISO/TC 147/SC 4/WG 18/E. coliANTONIU SilviaInstitutul de Diagnostic şi Sănătate Animală52
ISO/TC 147/SC 4/WG 28/Quality control and validation of PCR methodsISO/TC 147/SC 4/WG 28/Quality control and validation of PCR methodsANTONIU SilviaInstitutul de Diagnostic şi Sănătate Animală52
ISO/TC 34/SC 9/WG 5/Food microbiology - Culture media (JWG between ISO/TC 34/SC 9 and ISO/TC 147/SC 4)ISO/TC 34/SC 9/WG 5/Food microbiology - Culture media (JWG between ISO/TC 34/SC 9 and ISO/TC 147/SC 4)ANTONIU SilviaInstitutul de Diagnostic şi Sănătate Animală95
ISO/TC 209/WG 4/Design and constructionISO/TC 209/WG 4/Design and constructionANTONIU SilviaInstitutul de Diagnostic şi Sănătate Animală106
ISO/TC 147/SC 4/WG 30/E. coli by membrane filtrationISO/TC 147/SC 4/WG 30/E. coli by membrane filtrationANTONIU SilviaInstitutul de Diagnostic şi Sănătate Animală52
ISO/TC 209/WG 2/Biocontamination controlISO/TC 209/WG 2/Biocontamination controlANTONIU SilviaInstitutul de Diagnostic şi Sănătate Animală106
CEN/TC 434/WG 3/EU projects input and evaluation of requirements listCEN/TC 434/WG 3/EU projects input and evaluation of requirements listAPOLOZAN LiviuDOCPROCESS SRL3881
CEN/TC 440/WG 1/ArchitectureCEN/TC 440/WG 1/ArchitectureAPOLOZAN LiviuDOCPROCESS SRL388
CEN/TC 434/WG 1/Core semantic data modelCEN/TC 434/WG 1/Core semantic data modelAPOLOZAN LiviuDOCPROCESS SRL388
CEN/TC 239/WG 5/Air, water and difficult terrain ambulancesCEN/TC 239/WG 5/Air, water and difficult terrain ambulancesARAFAT RaedMinisterul Sănătaţii Publice3771
CEN/CLC/JTC 8/WG 2/Video surveillance and access controlCEN/CLC/JTC 8/WG 2/Video surveillance and access controlARION StelianSECANT SECURITY SRL271
ISO/TC 197/WG 29/Basic considerations for the safety of hydrogen systemsISO/TC 197/WG 29/Basic considerations for the safety of hydrogen systemsASCHILEAN IonACI CLUJ3951
CEN/TC 439/WG 1/Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)CEN/TC 439/WG 1/Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)BADEA Gabriel As. Romana pentru Industria de Securitate271
ISO/TC 197/WG 29/Basic considerations for the safety of hydrogen systemsISO/TC 197/WG 29/Basic considerations for the safety of hydrogen systemsBADEA GheorgheACI CLUJ S.A.3951
IEC/TC 56/WG 2/Dependability techniquesIEC/TC 56/WG 2/Dependability techniquesBAICU FloreaBAICONS Impex1441
CEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationCEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationBATALI LorettaUTCB3431
CEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 2/Ground investigationCEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 2/Ground investigationBATALI LorettaUTCB343
CEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 3/Geotechnical constructionsCEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 3/Geotechnical constructionsBATALI LorettaUTCB343
CEN/TC 189/WG 6/Geosynthetic barriers - General and specific requirementsCEN/TC 189/WG 6/Geosynthetic barriers - General and specific requirementsBATALI LorettaUTCB364
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42/WG 1/Foundational standardsISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42/WG 1/Foundational standardsBERCĂ HoriaPFT 4011
CEN/TC 169/WG 2/Lighting of work placesCEN/TC 169/WG 2/Lighting of work placesBEU DorinUniversitatea Tehnica Cluj-Napoca - Fac. Instalatii2401
CEN/TC 169/WG 11/DaylightCEN/TC 169/WG 11/DaylightBEU DorinUniversitatea Tehnică - Cluj Napoca240
ISO/TC 274/JWG 1/Energy performance of lighting in buildings (joint working group with CIE-JTC 6)ISO/TC 274/JWG 1/Energy performance of lighting in buildings (joint working group with CIE-JTC 6)BEU DorinUniversitatea Tehnică - Cluj Napoca240
ISO/TC 34/SC 19/WG 2PropolisISO/TC 34/SC 19/WG 2/PropolisBÎSBOACĂ SimonaAsociaţia Sănătate cu Casa BIO951
ISO/TC 34/SC 19/WG 2PropolisISO/TC 34/SC 19/WG 2/PropolisBOBIȘ OtiliaAsociaţia Sănătate cu Casa BIO951
ISO/TC 34/SC 19/WG 3Bee pollenISO/TC 34/SC 19/WG 3/Bee pollenBOBIȘ OtiliaAsociaţia Sănătate cu Casa BIO95
ISO/TC 34/SC 19 WG 4/Royal jellyISO/TC 34/SC 19 WG 4/Royal jellyBOBIȘ OtiliaAsociaţia Sănătate cu Casa BIO95
CEN/TC 437/WG 2/Requirements and test methods for electronic cigarette devicesCEN/TC 437/WG 2/Requirements and test methods for electronic cigarette devicesBOBOI Vasile CiprianPFT 971
ISO/TC 20/SC 14/WG 3/TC 20/SC 14 WG 3/Operations and support systemsISO/TC 20/SC 14/WG 3/Operations and support systemsBOTEZATU Ulpia ElenaROSA 721
CEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationCEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationBOȚI IoanBRICK CONSTRUCT3431
CEN/TC 175/WG 4/Round timberCEN/TC 175/WG 4/Round timberBRAD Remus RaduICAS1181
ISO/TC 22/SC 32/WG 8/Functional safetyISO/TC 22/SC 32/WG 8/Functional safetyBUMBĂCEA BogdanINFINEON3331
ISO/TC 22/SC 32/WG 11/CybersecurityISO/TC 22/SC 32/WG 11/CybersecurityBUMBĂCEA BogdanINFINEON333
ISO/TC 106/SC 3 WG 5Terminology for forensic orodental dataISO/TC 106/SC 3 WG 5/Terminology for forensic orodental dataCĂPITĂNEANU CezarPF3771
ISO/TC 106/SC 3 WG 1/Harmonization of dental codes and abbreviationsISO/TC 106/SC 3 WG 1/Harmonization of dental codes and abbreviationsCĂPITĂNEANU CezarPF377
ISO/TC 106/SC 3 WG 2/Dental vocabulary (Revision of ISO 1942 and thematic coding of its terms)ISO/TC 106/SC 3 WG 2/Dental vocabulary (Revision of ISO 1942 and thematic coding of its terms)CĂPITĂNEANU CezarPF377
ISO/TC 272/TF 1/Review of terms and definitionsISO/TC 272/TF 1/Review of terms and definitionsCĂPITĂNEANU CezarPF384
ISO/TC 272/TF 2/Annexes of ISO 21043-4ISO/TC 272/TF 2/Annexes of ISO 21043-4CĂPITĂNEANU CezarPF384
ISO/TC 272/WG 1/VocabularyISO/TC 272/WG 1/VocabularyCĂPITĂNEANU CezarPF384
ISO/TC 272/WG 4/Analysis and interpretationISO/TC 272/WG 4/Analysis and interpretationCĂPITĂNEANU CezarPF384
ISO/TC 272/WG 5/ReportingISO/TC 272/WG 5/ReportingCĂPITĂNEANU CezarPF384
ISO/TC 98/SC 2//WG 13/Design principles of seismically isolated structuresISO/TC 98/SC 2/WG 13/Design principles of seismically isolated structuresCĂSUȚĂ AndreeaUTCB3431
IEC/TC 77/SC 77A/WG 9/Power Quality measurement methodsIEC/TC 77/SC 77A/WG 9/Power Quality measurement methodsCIORNEI IrinaUniversitatea Politehnică Bucureşti, Fac. Inginerie Electrică301
ISO/TC 22/SC 32/WG 8/Functional safetyISO/TC 22/SC 32/WG 8/Functional safetyCÎRJE BogdanVEONEER ROMANIA SRL3331
IEC/TC 110/WG 10/Laser displaysIEC/TC 110/WG 10/Laser displaysCIUHAN LaurențiuEPSON EUROPE B.V. AMSTERDAM SUC. ROMANIA171
IEC/TC 110/WG 13/Optical measurements of electronic displays (OPT)IEC/TC 110/WG 13/Optical measurements of electronic displays (OPT)CIUHAN LaurențiuEPSON EUROPE B.V. AMSTERDAM SUC. ROMANIA17
IEC/TC 110/AG 11/Advisory Group on Strategy (AGS)IEC/TC 110/AG 11/Advisory Group on Strategy (AGS)CIUHAN LaurențiuEPSON EUROPE B.V. AMSTERDAM SUC. ROMANIA17
CEN/TC 250/SC 4 WG 1/Evolution of EN 1994-1-1 - Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildingsCEN/TC 250/SC 4 WG 1/Evolution of EN 1994-1-1 - Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildingsCIUTINA AdrianUPT - Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara3431
CEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationCEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationCIUTINA AdrianUPT - Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara343
CEN/TC 250/SC 6/WG 1/Evolution of EN 1996-1-1 General rules for reinforced and unreinforced masonry structuresCEN/TC 250/SC 6/WG 1/Evolution of EN 1996-1-1 General rules for reinforced and unreinforced masonry structuresCONSTANTIN AmaliaWienerberger Sisteme de Cărămizi SRL3431
CEN/TC 250/SC 6/WG 2/Simplified calculation methodsCEN/TC 250/SC 6/WG 2/Simplified calculation methodsCONSTANTIN AmaliaWienerberger Sisteme de Cărămizi SRL343
CEN/TC 250/SC 8/WG 1/MasonryCEN/TC 250/SC 8/WG 1/MasonryCONSTANTIN AmaliaWienerberger Sisteme de Cărămizi SRL343
CEN/TC 250/SC 8/WG 4/Seismic action and site classificationCEN/TC 250/SC 8/WG 4/Seismic action and site classificationCONSTANTIN AmaliaWienerberger Sisteme de Cărămizi SRL343
ISO/TC 309/WG 2/Anti-bribery management systemsISO/TC 309/WG 2/Anti-bribery management systemsCONSTANTIN Florentina UTI Construction and Facility Management S.A.561
ISO/TC 309/WG 4/Compliance management systemsISO/TC 309/WG 4/Compliance management systemsCONSTANTIN Florentina UTI Construction and Facility Management S.A.56
ISO/TC 309/WG 5/Guidelines for efficiency measurementISO/TC 309/WG 5/Guidelines for efficiency measurementCONSTANTIN Florentina UTI Construction and Facility Management S.A.56
ISO/TC 309/WG 8/Fraud controlsISO/TC 309/WG 8/Fraud controlsCONSTANTIN Florentina UTI Construction and Facility Management S.A.56
ISO/TC 309/WG 9/Conflict of InterestISO/TC 309/WG 9/Conflict of InterestCONSTANTIN Florentina UTI Construction and Facility Management S.A.56
ISO/TC 22/SC 32/WG 8/Functional safetyISO/TC 22/SC 32/WG 8/Functional safetyCRĂCIUN Adriana MariaVEONEER ROMANIA SRL3331
CEN/CLC/JTC 5/SpaceCEN/CLC/JTC 5/SpaceCRUNȚENU DanielUPB - Facultatea de Inginerie Aerospaţială721
IEC/TC 110/WG 10/Laser displaysIEC/TC 110/WG 10/Laser displaysCSONKA Zsolt AlparAV DIVISION | AV DIVISION S.R.L.171
IEC/TC 110/WG 13/Optical measurements of electronic displays (OPT)IEC/TC 110/WG 13/Optical measurements of electronic displays (OPT)CSONKA Zsolt AlparAV DIVISION | AV DIVISION S.R.L.17
ISO/TC 286/WG 4/University business collaborationISO/TC 286/WG 4/University business collaborationDAN Marius ConstantinALITOP Servicii Consultanță Management SRL561
IEC/TC 31/SC 31G WG 4/Spark Test ApparatusIEC/TC 31/SC 31G WG 4/Spark Test ApparatusDARIE MariusINSEMEX1371
CLC/TC 31/WG 23/MarkingCLC/TC 31/WG 23/MarkingDARIE MariusINSEMEX137
IEC/TC 96/MT 1MT1 "Maintenance of all publications under the responsibility of TC 96. Revision of IEC 60989 to be introduced in the IEC 61558 Series /WG 1 "Development of new parts 2 of IEC 61558IEC/TC 96/MT 1DEACONU DragoşUniversitatea Politehnică Bucureşti, Fac. Inginerie Electrică3121
CEN/TC 465/WG 2/Services to citizensCEN/TC 465/WG 2/Services to citizensDINESCU Alexandru Primăria Municipiului Bucureşti3971
CEN/TC 250/WG 6/RobustnessCEN/TC 250/WG 6/RobustnessDINU Florea Universitatea Politehnica Timişoara3431
CEN/TC 156/WG 19/Joint Working Group between CEN/TC 156, CEN/TC 169 and CEN/TC 371 - Revision of EN 15251:2007CEN/TC 156/WG 19/Joint Working Group between CEN/TC 156, CEN/TC 169 and CEN/TC 371 - Revision of EN 15251:2007DOBOSI Ioan SilviuDOSETIMPEX SRL3021
CEN/TC 203/WG 9/Revision of EN 545, EN 598 and EN 969CEN/TC 203/WG 9/Revision of EN 545, EN 598 and EN 969DOBRE VirgilSaint Gobain Construction Products Romania SRL 471
CEN/TC 203/WG 11/Water distributionCEN/TC 203/WG 11/Water distributionDOBRE VirgilSaint Gobain Construction Products Romania SRL 47
ISO/TC 34/SC 19 WG 1/HoneyISO/TC 34/SC 19 WG 1/HoneyDOBRESCU ConstantinROMAPIS951
CENTC 346/WG 13/Investigation of architectural finishes - Procedure, methodology and documentation of resultsCEN/TC 346/WG 13/Investigation of architectural finishes - Procedure, methodology and documentation of resultsDRAGOMIR LaurenţiuAsociaţia pentru Protecţia Patrimoniului3801
ISO/TC 67/SC 2 WG 20/Steel cased pipelinesISO/TC 67/SC 2 WG 20/Steel cased pipelinesDRAGOŞ NicolaeOMV PETROM 1691
CEN/TC 250/SC 3 WG 1/Evolution of EN 1993-1-1 - General rules for buildingsCEN/TC 250/SC 3 WG 1/Evolution of EN 1993-1-1 - General rules for buildingsDUBINA DanUPT - Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara3431
CEN/TC 250/SC 3 WG 3/Evolution of EN 1993-1-3 - Cold-formed membersCEN/TC 250/SC 3 WG 3/Evolution of EN 1993-1-3 - Cold-formed membersDUBINA DanUPT - Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara343
CEN/TC 250/SC 3 WG 8/Evolution of EN 1993-1-8 - Joints and connectionsCEN/TC 250/SC 3 WG 8/Evolution of EN 1993-1-8 - Joints and connectionsDUBINA DanUPT - Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara343
CEN/TC 250/SC 3 WG 10/Evolution of EN 1993-1-10 - Material toughness and through-thickness propertiesCEN/TC 250/SC 3 WG 10/Evolution of EN 1993-1-10 - Material toughness and through-thickness propertiesDUBINA DanUPT - Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara343
CEN/TC 250SC 8 WG 2Steel and Composite StructuresCEN/TC 250SC 8 WG 2Steel and Composite StructuresDUBINA DanUPT - Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara343
CEN/TC 344/WG 1/Adjustable pallet racking systemsCEN/TC 344/WG 1/Adjustable pallet racking systemsDUMBRAVA Florin DEXION STORAGE SOLUTIONS SRL851
CEN/TC 344/WG 6/Rack protectionsCEN/TC 344/WG 6/Rack protectionsDUMBRAVA Florin DEXION STORAGE SOLUTIONS SRL85
ISO/CASCO/JWG 54/Development of ISO/IEC 17021-12 – Collaborative business management systemsISO/CASCO/JWG 54/Development of ISO/IEC 17021-12 – Collaborative business management systemsDUMITRU Ovidiu CantemirRENAR3741
IEC/TC 15/WG 6/Rigid fibrous reinforced laminates for electrical purposesIEC/TC 15/WG 6 Rigid fibrous reinforced laminates for electrical purposesENACHE Bogdan RareşISOVOLTA SA51
CEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 3/Geotechnical constructionsCEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 3/Geotechnical constructionsENE AlexandraPOPP & Asociatii Inginerie Geotehnica SRL3431
CEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationCEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationENE AlexandraPOPP & Asociatii Inginerie Geotehnica SRL343
CEN/TC 239/WG 5/Air, water and difficult terrain ambulancesCEN/TC 239/WG 5/Air, water and difficult terrain ambulancesFLORICA RazvanEUROCOPTER SA | EUROCOPTER ROMANIA SA3771
IEC/TC 65/SC 65E WG 9/AutomationML - Engineering Data Exchange FormatIEC/TC 65/SC 65E WG 9/AutomationML - Engineering Data Exchange FormatFORGO ZoltanUniversitatea Sapienţia, Târgu Mureş231
CEN/TC 452/WG 4/Pre-training, Training and TasksCEN/TC 452/WG 4/Pre-training, Training and TasksGAŞPAR Mircea DumitruDog Master SRL3961
CEN/TC 452/WG 5/Client ServicesCEN/TC 452/WG 5/Client ServicesGAŞPAR Mircea DumitruDog Master SRL396
CEN/TC 250/SC 2 WG 1/Coordination and Editorial PanelCEN/TC 250/SC 2 WG 1/Coordination and Editorial PanelGEORGESCU Dan PaulUTCB-Fac. UT3431
CEN/TC 104/SC 1 WG 1/Exposure Resistance Classes (RC)CEN/TC 104/SC 1 WG 1/Exposure Resistance Classes (RC)GEORGESCU Dan PaulUTCB-Fac. UT321
CEN/TC 250/SC 2 WG 2/Design of fastenings for use in concreteCEN/TC 250/SC 2 WG 2/Design of fastenings for use in concreteGEORGESCU Dan PaulUTCB-Fac. UT343
ISO/TC 197/WG 24/Gaseous hydrogen – Fuelling protocols for hydrogen-fuelled vehiclesISO/TC 197/WG 24/Gaseous hydrogen – Fuelling protocols for hydrogen-fuelled vehiclesGHEORGHE SilviuUTCB - Fac. Ing. Inst.3951
CLC/TC 9X/WG 26IT-Security / Cybersecurity in the railway sectorCLC/TC 9X/WG 26/IT-Security / Cybersecurity in the railway sectorGHIGALAU LoredanaCYBERSHIELD RO S.R.L.41
IEC/TC 9/PT 63452Railway applications - CybersecurityIEC/TC 9/PT 63452/Railway applications - CybersecurityGHIGALAU LoredanaCYBERSHIELD RO S.R.L.4
CEN CENELEC-ETSI/SFDPS/Defence StandardizationCEN CENELEC-ETSI/SFDPS/Defence StandardizationGIRO MihaiM. Ap.N.3761
ISO/TC 172/SC 1 WG 1/General optical test methodsISO/TC 172/SC 1 WG 1/General optical test methodsGRANCIU DanaIOR2301
ISO/TC 172/SC1 WG 2/Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systemsISO/TC 172/SC1 WG 2/Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systemsGRANCIU DanaIOR230
ISO/TC 172/SC 3 WG 3/Characterization of IR materialsISO/TC 172/SC 3 WG 3/Characterization of IR materialsGRANCIU DanaIOR230
ISO/TC 172/SC 3 WG 1/Raw optical glassISO/TC 172/SC 3 WG 1/Raw optical glassGRANCIU DanaIOR230
ISO/TC 172/SC 4 WG 2/Telescopic sightsISO/TC 172/SC 4 WG 2/Telescopic sightsGRANCIU DanaIOR230
ISO/TC 37/SC 5/WG 4/Interpreting and translation teaching and training programsISO/TC 37/SC 5/WG 4/Interpreting and translation teaching and training programsGREERE Luminița AncaPFT 3731
ISO/TC 126/WG 25/BiodegradabilityISO/TC 126/WG 25/BiodegradabilityGRIGORE MarianaJTI-MANUFACTURING971
CEN/TC 337/WG 1/Winter service equipment and productsCEN/TC 337/WG 1/Winter service equipment and productsGRUDNICKI NicolaeSN a Sarii2181
ISO/IEC/JTC 1/SC 27/WG 5Identity management and privacy technologiesISO/IEC/JTC 1/SC 27/WG 5HOHAN AndreiFiaTest | FiaTest SRL2081
CEN/CLC/JTC 8/WG 1/Privacy management in products and servicesCEN/CLC/JTC 8/WG 1/Privacy management in products and servicesHOHAN AndreiFiaTest | FiaTest SRL27
CEN/CLC/JTC 13/WG 2/Cybersecurity Management SystemsCEN/CLC/JTC 13/WG 2/Cybersecurity Management SystemsHOHAN AndreiFiaTest | FiaTest SRL208
CEN/CLC/JTC 13/WG 5/Data Protection, Privacy and Identity ManagementCEN/CLC/JTC 13/WG 5/Data Protection, Privacy and Identity ManagementHOHAN AndreiFiaTest | FiaTest SRL208
ISO/TC 232/AHG 02/Feedback on ISO 21001ISO/TC 232/AHG 02/Feedback on ISO 21001HOHAN IonFIATEST56
ISO/TC 232/AHG 04/Auditing guidance for ISO 21001ISO/TC 232/AHG 04/Auditing guidance for ISO 21001HOHAN IonFIATEST56
ISO/TC 232/WG 8/Auditing practice groupISO/TC 232/WG 8/Auditing practice groupHOHAN IonFIATEST56
ISO/TC 286/WG 4/University business collaborationISO/TC 286/WG 4/University business collaborationHOHAN IonFIATEST56
CEN/TC 440/WG 2/TerminologyCEN/TC 440/WG 2/TerminologyHOMORODEAN DanielPublic Tender SRL3881
CEN/TC 461/WG 1/Integrity and accountabilityCEN/TC 461/WG 1/Integrity and accountabilityHOMORODEAN DanielPublic Tender SRL388
CEN/TC 434/WG 1/Core semantic data modelCEN/TC 434/WG 1/Core semantic data modelHOMORODEAN DanielPublic Tender SRL388
CEN/TC 169/WG 3/Emergency lighting in buildingsCEN/TC 169/WG 3/Emergency lighting in buildingsHUSCH Mihai Universitatea Tehnică de Construcţii Bucureşti - Facultatea de Inginerie a Instalaţiilor2401
CEN/TC 452/WG 2/Lifetime welfareCEN/TC 452/WG 2/Lifetime welfareHUȚU IoanUSAMV a Banatului 3961
CEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationCEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationILIEȘ NicoletaUniversitatea Tehnică din Cluj Napoca3431
CENELEC/TC 8X/WG AHGAssessment of Standards for Network Code ComplianceCENELEC/TC 8X/WG AHGILIŞIU DoinaTRANSELECTRICA SA1671
CENELEC/TC 8X/WG 07/Power frequency measurement for DER managementCENELEC/TC 8X/WG 07 Power frequency measurement for DER managementILIŞIU DoinaTRANSELECTRICA SA167
CENELEC/TC 8X/WG 03/Requirements for connection of generators to distribution networksTC 8X/WG 03/Requirements for connection of generators to distribution networksILIŞIU DoinaTRANSELECTRICA SA167
CSCG/Cyber SecurityCSCG/Cyber SecurityIONITA DanielCERT-RO2081
ISO/TC 197/WG 32/Hydrogen generators using water electrolysisISO/TC 197/WG 32/Hydrogen generators using water electrolysisIORDACHE Ioan Institutul de Criogenie şi Separări Izotopice ICSI Râmnicu Vâlcea3951
ISO/TC 22/SC 32/WG 6/On-board electrical connectionsISO/TC 22/SC 32/WG 6/On-board electrical connectionsIORGESCU PaulAUTOLIV ROMANIA SRL3331
CEN/TC 124/WG 1/Test methodsCEN/TC 124/WG 1/Test methodsISOPESCU DorinaUniversitatea Tehnică Iaşi, Fac. Construcţii şi Instalaţii3261
CEN/TC 451/WG 1/Water wellsCEN/TC 451/WG 1/Water wellsIurkiewicz AdrianUniversitatea Bucuresti3941
CEN/TC 442/WG 3/Information Delivery SpecificationCEN/TC 442/WG 3/Information Delivery SpecificationIVAN ClarissaUniversitatea de Arhitectură şi Urbanism "Ion Mincu"3351
CEN/TC 301/WG 14/Electricity Fuel labellingCEN/TC 301/WG 14/Electricity Fuel labellingIVAN CristinaRENAULT TECHNOLOGIE ROUMAINE781
ISO/TC 197/WG 29/Basic considerations for the safety of hydrogen systemsISO/TC 197/WG 29/Basic considerations for the safety of hydrogen systemsIVAN GabrielEON ASIST COMPLET3951
IEC/TC 65/SC 65A WG14Functional Safety Guide: IEC 61508-0IEC/TC 65/SC 65A WG 14/ Functional Safety Guide: IEC 61508-0IVAN Ion GrațianYOKOGAWA Europe231
ISO/TC 258/WG 2/GovernanceISO/TC 258/WG 2/GovernanceIVLEV IustinPF3321
CEN/TC 250/SC 8 WG 2/Steel and Composite StructuresCEN/TC 250/SC 8 WG 2/Steel and Composite StructuresKOBER HelmuthUTCB - Universitatea Tehnică de Construcţii Bucureşti3431
CEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationCEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationLINGU IrinaUT Gheorghe Asachi Iasi3431
CEN/CLC/TC 10/Energy-related products - Material Efficiency Aspects for EcodesignCEN/CLC/TC 10/Energy-related products - Material Efficiency Aspects for EcodesignLUNGU Cătălin Ordinul Auditorilor Energetici din Romania1
CEN/CLC/TC 10/WG 01/TerminologyCEN/CLC/TC 10/WG01/TerminologyLUNGU Cătălin Ordinul Auditorilor Energetici din Romania
CEN/CEN/TC 10/WG 06/Documentation and/or marking regarding information relating to material efficiency of the productCEN/CLC/TC 10/WG06/Documentation and/or marking regarding information relating to material efficiency of the productLUNGU Cătălin Ordinul Auditorilor Energetici din Romania
CEN/CEN/TC 228/WG 4/Calculation methods and system performance and evaluationCEN/TC 228/WG 4/Calculation methods and system performance and evaluationLUNGU Cătălin Ordinul Auditorilor Energetici din Romania302
ISO/TC 142/WG 2/UV-C technologyISO/TC 142/WG 2/UV-C technologyLUNGU Cătălin Ordinul Auditorilor Energetici din Romania302
CEN/TC 156/WG 2/Natural and mechanical powered residential ventilationCEN/TC 156/WG 2/Natural and mechanical powered residential ventilationLUNGU Cătălin Ordinul Auditorilor Energetici din Romania302
CEN/TC 156/WG 16/Joint Working Group between CEN/TC 156 and CEN/TC 113 - Multifunctional balanced ventilation units for single family dwellings, including heat pumpsCEN/TC 156/WG 16/Joint Working Group between CEN/TC 156 and CEN/TC 113 - Multifunctional balanced ventilation units for single family dwellings, including heat pumpsLUNGU Cătălin Ordinul Auditorilor Energetici din Romania302
CEN/TC 156/WG 18/Ventilation in hospitalsCEN/TC 156/WG 18/Ventilation in hospitalsLUNGU Cătălin Ordinul Auditorilor Energetici din Romania302
CEN/TC 156/WG 21/Energy performance calculation of ventilation and cooling systemsCEN/TC 156/WG 21/Energy performance calculation of ventilation and cooling systemsLUNGU Cătălin Ordinul Auditorilor Energetici din Romania302
CEN/TC 156/WG 25/Indoor Air QualityCEN/TC 156/WG 25/Indoor Air QualityLUNGU Cătălin Ordinul Auditorilor Energetici din Romania302
CEN/TC 156/WG 26/c-PCR for ventilation componentsCEN/TC 156/WG 26/c-PCR for ventilation componentsLUNGU Cătălin Ordinul Auditorilor Energetici din Romania302
CEN/CLC/JTC 6/WG 2/Guarantees of OriginCEN/CLC/JTC 6/WG 2/Guarantees of OriginMAMUT EdenUniversitatea OVIDIUS Constanţa3951
CEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationCEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationMANOLI Daniel UTCB - Fac. Hidrotehnica3431
CENELEC/TC 82/WG 3/Building integrated photo voltaics (bipv)CENELEC/TC 82/WG 3/Building integrated photo voltaics (bipv)MĂNŢESCU GabrielaUniversitatea Valahia - Târgoviste351
ISO/TC 34/SC 19 WG 1/HoneyISO/TC 34/SC 19/WG 1/HoneyMĂRGĂOAN RodicaAsociaţia Sănătate cu Casa BIO95
ISO/TC 34/SC 19 WG 2/PropolisISO/TC 34/SC 19/WG 2/PropolisMĂRGĂOAN RodicaAsociaţia Sănătate cu Casa BIO95
ISO/TC 34/SC 19 WG 3Bee pollen ISO/TC 34/SC 19 WG 3/Bee pollenMĂRGĂOAN RodicaAsociaţia Sănătate cu Casa BIO951
ISO/TC 34/SC 19 WG 4/Royal jellyISO/TC 34/SC 19 WG 4/Royal jellyMĂRGĂOAN RodicaAsociaţia Sănătate cu Casa BIO95
CEN/TC 411/WG 3/Bio-based contentCEN/TC 411/WG 3/Bio-based contentMARGARIT RodicaASRO3351
ISO/TC 168/WG 1/Nomenclature and classificationISO/TC 168/WG 1/Nomenclature and classificationMARIAN IustinPF3771
ISO/TC 168/WG 2/Medical aspectsISO/TC 168/WG 2/Medical aspectsMARIAN IustinPF377
IEC/TC 42/MT 12/IEC 62475, High current test techniques: Definitions and requirements for high current measurementsIEC/TC 42/MT 12/IEC 62475, High current test techniques: Definitions and requirements for high current measurementsMARINESCU AndreiICMET 81
IEC/TC 42/MT 13/IEC 60060-3 - High-voltage test techniques - Part 3: Definitions and requirements for on-site testingIEC/TC 42/MT 13/IEC 60060-3 - High-voltage test techniques - Part 3: Definitions and requirements for on-site testingMARINESCU AndreiICMET 8
ISO/TC 34/SC 19/WG 3Bee pollenISO/TC 34/SC 19 WG 3/Bee pollenMATEESCU CristinaAsociaţia Sănătate cu Casa BIO951
ISO/TC 197/WG 24/Gaseous hydrogen – Fuelling protocols for hydrogen-fuelled vehiclesISO/TC 197/WG 24/Gaseous hydrogen – Fuelling protocols for hydrogen-fuelled vehiclesMATEESCU GabrielaROMEXIM PLUS3951
ISO/TC 197/WG 29/Basic considerations for the safety of hydrogen systemsISO/TC 197/WG 29/Basic considerations for the safety of hydrogen systemsMATEESCU GabrielaROMEXIM PLUS395
ISO/TC 197/WG 5/Gaseous hydrogen land vehicle refuelling connection devicesISO/TC 197/WG 5/Gaseous hydrogen land vehicle refuelling connection devicesMATEESCU GabrielaROMEXIM PLUS395
ISO/TC 197/WG 18/Gaseous hydrogen land vehicle fuel tanks and TPRDsISO/TC 197/WG 18/Gaseous hydrogen land vehicle fuel tanks and TPRDsMATEESCU GabrielaROMEXIM PLUS395
CEN/CLC/JTC 6/WG 2/Guarantees of OriginCEN/CLC/JTC 6/WG 2/Guarantees of OriginMATEESCU MonicaROMEXIM PLUS3951
CEN/CLC/JTC 6/WG 1/Terms and DefinitionsCEN/CLC/JTC 6/WG 1/Terms and DefinitionsMATEESCU MonicaROMEXIM PLUS395
CEN/CEN/CLC/JTC 6/WG 3/hydrogen safetyCEN/CLC/JTC 6/WG 3/hydrogen safetyMATEESCU Ovidiu ROMEXIM PLUS SRL3951
ISO/ISO/TC 286/WG 4/University business collaborationISO/TC 286/WG 4/University business collaborationMIHAIL Laurențiu AurelUniversitatea Transilvania Brasov. Facultatea de Inginerie Tehnologică561
CEN/TC 340/WG 5/Revision of EN 15129CEN/TC 340/WG 5/Revision of EN 15129MIHALCEA AureliaPF3431
CEN/TC 167/WG 1/Revision of EN 1337CEN/TC 167/WG 1/Revision of EN 1337MIHALCEA AureliaPF343
CEN/TC 459/SC 10/WG 1/Tubes for pressure purposesCEN/TC 459/WG 1/Tubes for pressure purposesMÎNDRUȚ Ana MariaTENARIS SILCOTUB S.A.2021
CEN/TC 452/WG 2/Lifetime welfareCEN/TC 452/WG 2/Lifetime welfareMIRCU CălinUSAMV a Banatului3961
CEN/TC 89/WG 7/Thermal properties of doors and windowsCEN/TC 89/WG 7/Thermal properties of doors and windowsMOGA LigiaUT Cluj-Napoca, F. Constructii2811
ISO/TC 197/WG 29/Basic considerations for the safety of hydrogen systemsISO/TC 197/WG 29/Basic considerations for the safety of hydrogen systemsMOLDOVAN Emil MariusEON ASIST COMPLET3951
CLC/TC 31/WG 23/MarkingCLC/TC 31/WG 23/MarkingMOLDOVAN LucianINSEMEX 1371
CEN/TC 452/WG 2/Lifetime welfareCEN/TC 452/WG 2/Lifetime welfareMOSOIA CameliaAsociatia Dog Assist3961
CEN/TC 452/WG 5/Client ServicesCEN/TC 452/WG 5/Client ServicesMOSOIA CameliaAsociatia Dog Assist396
CEN/TC 452/WG 4/Pre-training, Training and TasksCEN/TC 452/WG 4/Pre-training, Training and TasksMOSOIA George DoruAsociatia Dog Assist3961
ISO/TC 34/SC 19 WG 4/Royal jellyISO/TC 34/SC 19 WG 4/Royal jellyMUREȘAN Carmen IoanaAsociaţia Sănătate cu Casa BIO951
IEC/TC 13/WG 14/Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load controlIEC/TC 13/WG 14MUREŞAN GheorgheENERGOBIT SRL1641
CEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationCEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationMUREȘAN Olimpiu CristianUniversitatea Tehnică din Cluj Napoca3431
CEN/TC 250/SC 3/WG 3Evolution of EN 1993-1-3 - Cold-formed membersCEN/TC 250/SC 3/WG 3/Evolution of EN 1993-1-3 - Cold-formed membersNAGY ZsoltUT Cluj-Napoca, Fac. Constructii3431
ISO/CASCO/WG 61SO TS 17012 Guidelines remote methods in audits management systemsISO/CASCO/WG 61/SO TS 17012 Guidelines remote methods in audits management systemsNEAGUE Cătălina VioricaINTEGRA INSPECT3741
ISO/CASCO/WG 66Development ISO/IEC TR 17035 Conformity Assessment – Guidelines for validation and verification programmesISO/CASCO/WG 66/Development ISO/IEC TR 17035 Conformity Assessment – Guidelines for validation and verification programmesNEAGUE Cătălina VioricaINTEGRA INSPECT374
CEN/TC 250/SC 3/WG 3/Evolution of EN 1993-1-3 - Cold-formed membersCEN/TC 250/SC 3/WG 3/Evolution of EN 1993-1-3 - Cold-formed membersNEDELCU MihaiUTCN3431
IEC/TC 5/MT 14/Maintenance of IEC 60953-1, -2, -3 and IEC 61372IEC/TC 5/MT 14/Maintenance of IEC 60953-1, -2, -3 and IEC 61372NEGREANU Paul GabrielUPB - Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti1341
CEN/TC 19/WG 21/Specification for unleaded petrolCEN/TC 19/WG 21/Specification for unleaded petrolNEGRU Eduard AndreiRENAULT3201
CEN/TC 19/WG 23/Specification of automotive LPG and related test methodCEN/TC 19/WG 23/Specification of automotive LPG and related test methodNEGRU Eduard AndreiRENAULT320
CEN/TC 19/WG 24/Specification of distillate fuelsCEN/TC 19/WG 24/Specification of distillate fuelsNEGRU Eduard AndreiRENAULT320
CEN/TC 19/WG 38/New Fuels Coordination and PlanningCEN/TC 19/WG 38/New Fuels Coordination and PlanningNEGRU Eduard AndreiRENAULT320
CEN/TC 19/WG 44/FAME fuel developmentsCEN/TC 19/WG 44/FAME fuel developmentsNEGRU Eduard AndreiRENAULT320
IEC/TC 9/WG 43/Railway applications - Train communication network (TCN)IEC/TC 9/WG 43/Railway applications - Train communication network (TCN)NICU PetricăCFR Călători41
IEC/TC 9/WG 46/Onboard multimedia systems for railwaysIEC/TC 9/WG 46/Onboard multimedia systems for railwaysNICU PetricăCFR Călători4
IEC/TC 9/WG 48/ODIS - On board Driving Information SystemIEC/TC 9/WG 48/ODIS - On board Driving Information SystemNICU PetricăCFR Călători4
IEC/IEC/TC 65/SC 65E/WG 7/FB for process control, EDDL and FDIIEC/TC 65/SC 65E/WG 7/FB for process control, EDDL and FDINICULAE IonuţYOKOGAWA Europe231
ISO/CASCO/WG 49/Revision of ISO/IEC 17000 - Conformity assessment - Vocabulary and general principlesISO/CASCO/WG 49/Revision of ISO/IEC 17000 - Conformity assessment - Vocabulary and general principlesNIȚĂ IsabelaANABASIS NICHOLAS SRL3741
ISO/TC 283/WG 3/Implementation HandbookISO/TC 283/WG 3/Implementation HandbookNIȚĂ IsabelaANABASIS NICHOLAS SRL56
ISO/TC 209/WG 4/Design and constructionISO/TC 209/WG 4/Design and constructionOLARU AndreeaSC EDAS EXIM SRL1061
CEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/Evolution of 1997 seriesCEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/Evolution of 1997 seriesOLTEANU Andrei Universitatea Tehnică de Construcţii Bucureşti3431
CEN/TC 348/WG 6/Space measurement in Facility ManagementCEN/TC 348/WG 6ONCIOIU GabrielVEGRA INFO SRL3651
IEC/TC 5/MT 14/Maintenance of IEC 60953-1, -2, -3 and IEC 61372IEC/TC 5/MT 14/Maintenance of IEC 60953-1, -2, -3 and IEC 61372OPREA IonUPB - Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti1341
CEN/TC 239/WG 5/Air, water and difficult terrain ambulancesCEN/TC 239/WG 5/Air, water and difficult terrain ambulancesOPRITA BogdanSpitalul Clinic de Urgenta Bucuresti - UPU SMURD3771
CEN/CLC/JTC 6/WG 3Hydrogen safetyCEN/CLC/JTC 6/WG 3/hydrogen safetyPĂTULARIU LaurențiuICSI Rm. Vâlcea3951
ISO/TC 22/SC 33/WG 10/Brake linings and friction couplesISO/TC 22/SC 33/WG 10/Brake linings and friction couplesPENTA NicolaeTMD Friction Romania SRL781
ISO/TC 22/SC 32/WG 11CybersecurityISO/TC 22/SC 32/WG 11/CybersecurityPERINI RomanoCONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVE3331
ISO/TC 23/SC 19/AHG 2Ad Hoc Group on cybersecurity for agricultural machineryISO/TC 23/SC 19/AHG 2/Ad Hoc Group on cybersecurity for agricultural machineryPERINI RomanoCONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVE77
ISO/TC 23/SC 19/WG 8/Safety and securityISO/T 23/SC 19/WG 8/Safety and securityPERINI RomanoCONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVE77
CEN/TC 107/WG 4/JointsCEN/TC 107/WG 4/JointsPETRAN HoriaINCD URBAN-INCERC3021
CEN/TC 156/WG 4/Air terminal devicesCEN/TC 156/WG 4/Air terminal devicesPETRAN HoriaINCD URBAN-INCERC302
CEN/TC 228/WG 4/Calculation methods and system performance and evaluationCEN/TC 228/WG 4/Calculation methods and system performance and evaluationPETRAN HoriaINCD URBAN-INCERC302
CEN/TC 312/WG 4/Labelling and MarkingCEN/TC 312/WG 4/Labelling and MarkingPETRAN HoriaINCD URBAN-INCERC302
CEN/TC 33/WG 6/Curtain wallingCEN/TC 33/WG 6/Curtain wallingPETRE Lucian DragosALU DESIGN SRL3181
ISO/TC 130/JWG 14/Joint ISO/TC 130 - ISO/TC 42 - ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 28 WG: Print quality measurement methodsISO/TC 130/JWG 14/Joint ISO/TC 130 - ISO/TC 42 - ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 28 WG: Print quality measurement methodsPITIGOI DorinCOLOR SERVICE TRANSILVAE-pres CT 3823821
ISO/TC 130/TF3/Workflow standards roadmapISO/TC 130/TF3/Workflow standards roadmapPITIGOI DorinCOLOR SERVICE TRANSILVAE-pres CT 383382
ISO/TC 130/WG 1/TerminologyISO/TC 130/WG 1/TerminologyPITIGOI DorinCOLOR SERVICE TRANSILVAE-pres CT 384382
ISO/TC 130/WG 2/Prepress data exchangeISO/TC 130/WG 2/Prepress data exchangePITIGOI DorinCOLOR SERVICE TRANSILVAE-pres CT 385382
ISO/TC 130/WG 3/Process control and related metrologyISO/TC 130/WG 3/Process control and related metrologyPITIGOI DorinCOLOR SERVICE TRANSILVAE-pres CT 386382
ISO/TC 130/WG 4/Media and materialsISO/TC 130/WG 4/Media and materialsPITIGOI DorinCOLOR SERVICE TRANSILVAE-pres CT 387382
ISO/TC 130/WG 5/Ergonomics - SafetyISO/TC 130/WG 5/Ergonomics - SafetyPITIGOI DorinCOLOR SERVICE TRANSILVAE-pres CT 388382
ISO/TC 130/WG 7/Colour management (JWG ISO/TC 130 and ICC)ISO/TC 130/WG 7/Colour management (JWG ISO/TC 130 and ICC)PITIGOI DorinCOLOR SERVICE TRANSILVAE-pres CT 389382
ISO/TC 130/WG 10/Joint between ISO/TC 130 and ISO/TC 247: Management of security printing processesISO/TC 130/WG 10/Joint between ISO/TC 130 and ISO/TC 247: Management of security printing processesPITIGOI DorinCOLOR SERVICE TRANSILVAE-pres CT 391382
ISO/TC 130/WG 11/Environmental impact of graphics technologyISO/TC 130/WG 11/Environmental impact of graphics technologyPITIGOI DorinCOLOR SERVICE TRANSILVAE-pres CT 392382
ISO/TC 130/WG 12/PostpressISO/TC 130/WG 12/PostpressPITIGOI DorinCOLOR SERVICE TRANSILVAE-pres CT 393382
ISO/TC 130/WG 13/Printing conformity assessment requirementsISO/TC 130/WG 13/Printing conformity assessment requirementsPITIGOI DorinCOLOR SERVICE TRANSILVAE-pres CT 394382
ISO/TC 130/JWG 8/Joint TC 130-TC 42 WG: Revision of ISO 13655ISO/TC 130/JWG 8/Joint TC 130-TC 42 WG: Revision of ISO 13655PITIGOI DorinCOLOR SERVICE TRANSILVAE-pres CT 395382
IEC/TC 8/SC 8B/JWG 1/General Planning, Design, Operation and Control of MicrogridsIEC/TC 8/SC 8B/JWG 1/General Planning, Design, Operation and Control of MicrogridsPLĂMĂNESCU RaduUPB IE1671
IEC/SyCLVDC/PT 63255/Predicting Electrical CompatibilityIEC/SyCLVDC/PT 63255/Predicting Electrical CompatibilityPLĂMĂNESCU RaduUPB IE167
CEN/TC 452/WG 1/TerminologyCEN/TC 452/WG 1/TerminologyPLATT CameliaFundatia Light into Europe3961
CEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationCEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationPOPA ClaudiuGEOTECH | GEOTECH S.R.L.3431
CEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 3/Geotechnical constructionsCEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 3/Geotechnical constructionsPOPA HoratiuUniversitatea Tehnică de Construcţii Bucureşti3431
CEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationCEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationPOPA HoratiuUniversitatea Tehnică de Construcţii Bucureşti343
CEN/TC 250/SC1 WG2/Atmospheric icing of structuresCEN/TC 250/SC1 WG2/Atmospheric icing of structuresPOPĂESCU Augustin PF3431
CEN/TC 248/WG 10/Size system of clothingCEN/TC 248/WG 10/Size system of clothingPOPESCU GeorgetaINCDTP1031
CEN/TC 248/WG 20/Safety of children's clothingCEN/TC 248/WG 20/Safety of children's clothingPOPESCU GeorgetaINCDTP103
CEN/TC 434/WG 4/List of syntaxesCEN/TC 434/WG 4/List of syntaxesPOPESCU ValentinAsociatia GS1 Romania3881
CEN/CLC/JTC 24/WG 1/Strategic Advisory GroupCEN/CLC/JTC 24/WG 1/Strategic Advisory GroupPOPESCU ValentinAsociatia GS1 Romania
CEN/CLC/JTC 24/WG 2/Unique identifiers and data carriersCEN/CLC/JTC 24/WG 2/Unique identifiers and data carriersPOPESCU ValentinAsociatia GS1 Romania
CEN/CLC/JTC 24/WG 3/SecurityCEN/CLC/JTC 24/WG 3/SecurityPOPESCU ValentinAsociatia GS1 Romania
CEN/CLC/JTC 24/WG 4/Interoperability frameworkCEN/CLC/JTC 24/WG 4/Interoperability frameworkPOPESCU ValentinAsociatia GS1 Romania
CEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationCEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationPRODAN Iulia Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj Napoca3431
CEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationCEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationPROICEPUTU AdrianUniversitatea Tehnică de Construcţii Bucureşti3431
CEN/TC 127/WG 1/Structural and separating elementsCEN/TC 127/WG 1/Structural and separating elementsRĂDULESCU AlexandruROCKWOOL ROMANIA SRLCT 2171
CEN/TC 127/WG 2/ServicesCEN/TC 127/WG 2/ServicesRĂDULESCU AlexandruROCKWOOL ROMANIA SRLCT 217
CEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 3/Geotechnical constructionsCEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 3/Geotechnical constructionsRADULESCU NicoletaUniversitatea Tehnică de Construcţii Bucureşti3431
ISO/TC 286/WG 4/University business collaborationISO/TC 286/WG 4/University business collaborationRADULESCU VictorițaUPB ENERG561
CEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationCEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationRĂILEANU IonSAIDEL Engineering SRL3431
ISO/TC 309/WG 2/Anti-bribery management systemsISO/TC 309/WG 2/Anti-bribery management systemsRĂUȚĂ Radu VladimirIntegrity Solutions SRL561
ISO/TC 309/WG 4/Compliance management systemsISO/TC 309/WG 4/Guidelines for efficiency measurementRĂUȚĂ Radu VladimirIntegrity Solutions SRL56
ISO/TC 309/WG 5/Guidelines for efficiency measurementISO/TC 309/WG 5/Compliance management systemsRĂUȚĂ Radu VladimirIntegrity Solutions SRL56
ISO/TC 309/WG 6/Governance maturity modelISO/TC 309/WG 6/Governance maturity modelRĂUȚĂ Radu VladimirIntegrity Solutions SRL56
ISO/TC 309/WG 7/Internal investigationsISO/TC 309/WG 7/Internal investigationsRĂUȚĂ Radu VladimirIntegrity Solutions SRL56
CEN/CLC/JWG NAWINon automatic weighing instrumentsCEN/CLC/JWG NAWI/Non automatic weighing instrumentsRONCEA CristinelSRAC CERT1921
CEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/Evolution of 1997 seriesCEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/Evolution of 1997 seriesSAIDEL TudorSAIDEL Engineering DRL3431
CLC/TC 9X/WG 26/IT-Security / Cybersecurity in the railway sectorCLC/TC 9X/WG 26/IT-Security / Cybersecurity in the railway sectorSALII Sahii CYBERSHIELD RO S.R.L.41
CEN/TC 122/WG 1/AnthropometryCEN/TC 122/WG 1/AnthropometrySĂLIȘTEAN AdrianINCDTP541
ISO/PC 295/ WG 1/Audit Data CollectionISO/PC 295/ WG 1/Audit Data CollectionSANDA Mihai RazvanCurtea de Conturi a Romaniei3881
CEN/TC 250/SC 2//WG 1/Coordination and Editorial PanelCEN/TC 250/SC 2/WG 1/Coordination and Editorial PanelSANDOR GaborASA CONS ROMÂNIA S.R.L.3431
CENELEC/TC 8X/WG AHCAssessment of Standards for Network Code ComplianceCENELEC/TC 8X/WG AHC/Assessment of Standards for Network Code ComplianceSĂNDULEAC MihaiUniversitatea Politehnică Bucureşti, Fac. Inginerie Electrică1671
ISO/TC 197/WG 24/Gaseous hydrogen – Fuelling protocols for hydrogen-fuelled vehiclesISO/TC 197/WG 24/Gaseous hydrogen – Fuelling protocols for hydrogen-fuelled vehiclesSCHUSTER Hans ICSTM - DCEM3951
ISO/TC 197/WG 29/Basic considerations for the safety of hydrogen systemsISO/TC 197/WG 29/Basic considerations for the safety of hydrogen systemsSCHUSTER Hans ICSTM - DCEM395
CEN/CLC/JTC 6/WG 2/Guarantees of OriginCEN/CLC/JTC 6/WG 2/Guarantees of OriginSCHUSTER Hans ICSTM - DCEM395
CEN/CEN/CLC/JTC 14/WG 5/Guarantees of Origin related to energyCEN/CLC/JTC 14/WG 5/Guarantees of Origin related to energySCHUSTER Hans ICSTM - DCEM392
CEN/TC 113/WG 7/Heat Pumps, air conditioners and chilling liquid packages - testing and rating at part load conditionsCEN/TC 113/WG 7/Heat Pumps, air conditioners and chilling liquid packages - testing and rating at part load conditionsSCUMPIERU MihaiMITSUBISHI E.E.B.V.1471
CEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/Evolution of 1997 seriesCEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/Evolution of 1997 seriesSERBULEA ManoleUTCB - Fac. Hidrotehnica3431
CEN/CEN/TC 260/WG 8/Organic and organo-mineral fertilizersCEN/TC 260/WG 8/Organic and organo-mineral fertilizersSÎRBU Carmen EugeniaInstitutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Pedologie, Agrochimie si Protectia Mediului1051
CEN/CEN/TC 260/WG 7/Chemical analysisCEN/TC 260/WG 7/Chemical analysisSÎRBU Carmen EugeniaInstitutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Pedologie, Agrochimie si Protectia Mediului105
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 17/WG 4/Integrated circuit card with contactsIEC JTC1/SC 17/WG 4/Integrated circuit card with contactsSOCOL ConstantinINFINEON2041
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 17/WG 11/Application of biometrics to cards and personal identificationIEC JTC1/SC 17/WG 11/Application of biometrics to cards and personal identificationSOCOL ConstantinINFINEON204
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 17/WG 8/Integrated circuit cards without contactsISO/IEC JTC1/SC 17/WG 8/Integrated circuit cards without contactsSOCOL ConstantinINFINEON204
CENELEC/TC 215/WG 02/Cabling installation - Quality assurance and installation practicesCENELEC/TC 215/WG 02/Cabling installation - Quality assurance and installation practicesŞOMĂCESCU IulianEUROTEHNO Consult2071
CEN/TC 51/WG 11/Building limeCEN/TC 51/WG 11/Building limeSOPORAN LarisaCARMEUSE HOLDING1111
CEN/TC 51/WG 14/Hydraulic binders for road basesCEN/TC 51/WG 14/Hydraulic binders for road basesSOPORAN LarisaCARMEUSE HOLDING111
ISO/TC 172/SC1 WG1/General optical test methodsISO/TC 172/SC1 WG1/General optical test methodsSOROHAN GeorgetaPRO OPTICA2301
ISO/TC 34/SC 34/SC 12/WG 3/Perception TestsISO/TC 34/SC 12/WG 3/Perception TestsSTAN LauraUSAMV Cluj-Napoca951
ISO/TC 209/WG 4/Design and constructionISO/TC 209/WG 4/Design and constructionSTEFAN Razvan SilviuSC INGINERIE SEISMICĂ SRL1061
CEN/TC 340/WG 5/Revision of EN 15129CEN/TC 340/WG 5/Revision of EN 15129ŞTEFANESCU BogdanUTCB - Universitatea Tehnică de Construcţii Bucureşti3431
CEN/TC 250/SC 3 WG 8/Evolution of EN 1993-1-8 - Joints and connectionsCEN/TC 250/SC 3 WG 8/Evolution of EN 1993-1-8 - Joints and connectionsŞTEFANESCU BogdanUTCB - Universitatea Tehnică de Construcţii Bucureşti343
CEN/TC 250/SC 8 WG 2/Steel and Composite StructuresCEN/TC 250/SC 8 WG 2/Steel and Composite StructuresŞTEFANESCU BogdanUTCB - Universitatea Tehnică de Construcţii Bucureşti343
ISO/TC 59/SC 18/ WG 2/Procurement strategy and tacticsISO/TC 59/SC 18/WG 2/Procurement strategy and tacticsSTEGARU Dana AlinaBLUE PROJECTS3651
CEN/TC 250/SC 8 WG 2/Steel and Composite StructuresCEN/TC 250/SC 8 WG 2/Steel and Composite StructuresSTRATAN AurelUPT - Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara3431
CEN/TC 250/SC 3 WG 8/Evolution of EN 1993-1-8 - Joints and connectionsCEN/TC 250/SC 3 WG 8/Evolution of EN 1993-1-8 - Joints and connectionsSTRATAN AurelUPT - Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara343
CEN/TC 160/WG 2/Personal fall arresting systems, components and systemsCEN/TC 160/WG 2/Personal fall arresting systems, components and systemsSZASZ RolandHeight Safety | Height Safety Engineering SRL2271
CEN/TC 459/SC 10/WG 1Tubes for pressure purposesCEN/TC 459/SC10/WG 1/Tubes for pressure purposesSZEGEDI ZsoltTENARIS SILCOTUB S.A.2021
ISO/CASCO/WG 57/Conformity assessment — General requirements for proficiency testingISO/CASCO/WG 57/Conformity assessment — General requirements for proficiency testingTAINĂ AlinaRENAR3741
CEN/TC 49/WG 1/Revision of EN 30CEN/TC 49/WG 1/Revision of EN 30TÂLVÂC LilianaELECTROLUX 3051
CEN/TC 49/WG 2/Energy consumption of domestic gas cooking appliancesCEN/TC 49/WG 2/Energy consumption of domestic gas cooking appliancesTÂLVÂC LilianaELECTROLUX 3051
CEN/TC 49/WG 1/Safety of domestic gas cooking appliancesCEN/TC 49/WG 1/Safety of domestic gas cooking appliancesTÂLVÂC LilianaELECTROLUX 305
CEN/TC 459/SC 10/WG 1/Tubes for pressure purposesCEN/TC 459/SC 10/WG 1/Tubes for pressure purposesTAMAN Alina TENARIS SILCOTUB S.A.2021
CENTC 182WG 12/Flammable Refrigerants Standardization Request M/555CEN/TC 182/WG 12/Flammable Refrigerants Standardization Request M/555ȚÂRLEA GrațielaUniversitatea Tehnică de Construcţii Bucureşti - Facultatea de Inginerie a Instalaţiilor1471
CENELEC/TC 59X/WG 13/Ventilation hoodsCENELEC/TC 59X/WG 13/Ventilation hoodsTCACIUC SorinELECTROLUX 238
IEC/TC 59/SC 59K/MT 1IEC 60350, IEC 60704-2-10 and IEC 60705IEC/TC 59/SC 59K/IEC 60350, IEC 60704-2-10 and IEC 60705TCACIUC SorinELECTROLUX 238
IEC/TC 59/SC 59K/MT 3IEC 61591 and IEC 60704-2-13IEC/TC 59/SC 59K/IEC 61591 and IEC 60704-2-13TCACIUC SorinELECTROLUX 238
CLC/TC 59X/WG 05/Induction cookingCLC/TC 59X/WG 05/Induction cookingTCACIUC SorinELECTROLUX 238
CEN/TC 250/SC 7/WG 1/General rules and coordinationCEN/TC 250/SC 7/WG 1/General rules and coordinationTEGZESIU Silviu3431
CLC/TC 64/WG JWG TC 82/To be set up - Installation of PV - EquipmentCLC/TC 64/WG JWG TC 82/To be set up - Installation of PV - EquipmentTEODOREANU Dan IliePF351
ISO/ISO/TC 22/SC 31/WG 6/Extended vehicle/Remote diagnosticsISO/TC 22/SC 31/WG 6/Extended vehicle/Remote diagnosticsTEODORESCU IonelRENAULT TECHNOLOGIE ROUMANIE781
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22/WG 21/C++ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22/WG 21/C++TEODORESCU Lucian RaduPFT 2051
CEN/TC 170/WG 9/Instruments and test methods for assessing drivers' visionCEN/TC 170/WG 9/Instruments and test methods for assessing drivers' visionTRUFASU Aurelian OvidiuUPB - Facultatea de Inginerie Mecanica şi Mecatronica2301
CEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 3/Geotechnical constructionsCEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 3/Geotechnical constructionsTSITSAS GeorgeGT Ground Engineering & Construction Services3431
CEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationCEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationTSITSAS GeorgeGT Ground Engineering & Construction Services343
CEN/TC 301/WG 7/Supplementary grip devicesCEN/TC 301/WG 7/Supplementary grip devicesTURNESCU FlorinRUD Florian Rieger SRL781
IEC/TC 110/WG 10/Laser displaysIEC/TC 110/WG 10/Laser displaysULKUSAL YilmazOFFICE MAX SRL171
IEC/TC 110/WG 13/Optical measurements of electronic displays (OPT)IEC/TC 110/WG 13/Optical measurements of electronic displays (OPT)ULKUSAL YilmazOFFICE MAX SRL17
CEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationCEN/TC 250/SC 7 WG 1/General rules and coordinationUNGUREANU ConstantinUB Fac. Geologie si Geofizica3431
CEN/TC 350/WG 1/Environmental performance of buildingsCEN/TC 350/WG 1/Environmental performance of buildingsUNGUREANU ViorelUniversitatea Politehnica Timişoara3351
CEN/TC 350/WG 3/Products LevelCEN/TC 350/WG 3/Products LevelUNGUREANU ViorelUniversitatea Politehnica Timişoara335
ISO/TC 172/SC1 WG1/General optical test methodsISO/TC 172/SC1 WG1/General optical test methodsURSU Dănuţ VasilePRO OPTICA2301
CEN/TC 250/SC 1 WG 1/Climatic actionsCEN/TC 250/SC 1 WG 1/Climatic actionsVĂCĂREANU RaduUTCB - Universitatea Tehnică de Construcţii Bucureşti3431
CEN/TC 250/SC 8 WG 4/Seismic action and site classificationCEN/TC 250/SC 8 WG 4/Seismic action and site classificationVĂCĂREANU RaduUTCB - Universitatea Tehnică de Construcţii Bucureşti343
ISO/TC 34/SC 19 WG 1/HoneyISO/TC 34/SC 19/WG 1/HoneyVARADI Alina FeliciaAsociaţia Sănătate cu Casa BIO951
ISO/TC 34/ SC 19 WG 2/PropolisISO/TC 34/SC 19/WG 2/PropolisVARADI Alina FeliciaAsociaţia Sănătate cu Casa BIO95
ISO/TC 34/SC 12/WG 3/Perception TestsISO/TC 34/SC 12/WG 3/Perception TestsVARADI Alina FeliciaAsociaţia Sănătate cu Casa BIO95
ISO/TC 34/SC 19 WG 3/Bee pollenISO/TC 34/SC 19 WG 3/Bee pollenVARADI Alina FeliciaAsociaţia Sănătate cu Casa BIO951
ISO/TC 34/SC 19 WG 4/Royal jellyISO/TC 34/SC 19 WG 4/Royal jellyVARADI Alina FeliciaAsociaţia Sănătate cu Casa BIO95
IEC/TC 65/WG 10/Security for industrial process measurement and control - Network and system securityIEC/TC 65/WG 10/Security for industrial process measurement and control - Network and system securityVARTIC AlbertOMV PETROM 231
IEC/TC 65/WG 20/ Industrial-process measurement, control and automation– Framework to bridge the requirements for safety and securityIEC/TC 65/WG 20/Industrial-process measurement, control and automation– Framework to bridge the requirements for safety and securityVARTIC AlbertOMV PETROM 23
CEN/TC 249/WG 11/Plastics recyclingCEN/TC 249/WG 11VLAD Mircea FlorentinVFM Service SRL1081
CEN/TC 261/SC 4/WG 10/Design for recycling for plastic packaging productsCEN/TC 261/SC 4/WG 10/VLAD Mircea FlorentinVFM Service SRL270
ISO/PC 295/WG 1/Audit Data CollectionISO/PC 295/ WG 1/Audit Data CollectionVLADU-BOSOVCKI Amanda RamonaCurtea de Conturi a României3881
CEN/TC 250/SC 1 WG 4/Actions on structures exposed to fireCEN/TC 250/SC 1 WG 4/Actions on structures exposed to fireZAHARIA Raul DanUPT - Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara3431
CEN/TC 250/SC 3 WG 2/Evolution of EN 1993-1-2 - FireCEN/TC 250/SC 3 WG 2/Evolution of EN 1993-1-2 - FireZAHARIA Raul DanUPT - Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara343
CEN/TC 250/SC 4 WG 2/Evolution of EN 1994-1-2 - Eurocode 4 - Design of composite steel and concrete structures - Part 1-2: General rules - Structural fire designCEN/TC 250/SC 4 WG 2/Evolution of EN 1994-1-2 - Eurocode 4 - Design of composite steel and concrete structures - Part 1-2: General rules - Structural fire designZAHARIA Raul DanUPT - Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara343
CEN/TC 250/SC 4/WG 4Evolution of EN 1994-1-1, EN 1994-1-2 and EN 1994-2CEN/TC 250/SC 4/WG 4/Evolution of EN 1994-1-1, EN 1994-1-2 and EN 1994-2ZAHARIA Raul DanUPT - Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara343
CEN/TC 33/WG 4/Building hardwareCEN/TC 33/WG 4/Building hardwareZUGRĂVESCU VictorAssa Abloy Romania3181