The NEO-CYCLE project, in which ASRO is a partner, focuses on the upcycling (value-added recycling) of end-of-life (EoL) NdFeB (neodymium-iron-boron) magnets from electronic equipment, in particular hard disk drives (HDDs).
The NEO-CYCLE project, in which ASRO is a partner, focuses on the upcycling (value-added recycling) of end-of-life (EoL) NdFeB (neodymium-iron-boron) magnets from electronic equipment, in particular hard disk drives (HDDs).
MoreThe AccesS project aims to revolutionize accessibility and inclusion in smart buildings and smart cities. AccesS aims to create barrier-free environments, facilitate barrier-free mobility and enable equal access to essential services and facilities.
MoreThe aim of the BIOBUILD project is to develop and demonstrate bio-based building materials with thermal storage function that can replace products with high environmental footprint. Our solution demonstrates the functional incorporation of phase change bio-based phase change materials (bioPCM) into solid wood and wood fibers bound with vegetable oil resins, lignin or fungal mycelia to produce new biocomposite building materials with significantly improved thermal properties
MoreThe HEATWISE project aims to address various thermal management challenges in tertiary buildings with significant IT load. The project has specific objectives to develop and validate (up to TRL 4 and 5) its technological innovation in two interrelated aspects: for IT system equipment in facility rooms and for a complete building management level.
moreThe AFCOS project aims to create building materials that meet the highest quality and safety standards and contribute to environmental sustainability
MoreNOVAFOODIES is an interdisciplinary project bringing together partners from Europe, Israel and China, with complementary backgrounds to interact closely in a synergistic manner to deliver the expected results, research outputs and six key objectives. NOVAFOODIES aims to provide consumers with new functional and traceable products of marine and freshwater origin, produced with more sustainable processes without compromising sectoral competitiveness. Aware of these challenges but often working in isolation, there are many organizations developing solutions to improve efficiency in the aquatic food sector. NOVAFOODIES brings together some of these organizations in a unique consortium to demonstrate new approaches that ensure future seafood production is both profitable and environmentally.
moreThe MatCHMaker project supports excellence in research into methods and tools for advanced materials development.
MatCHMaker will enable the integration and interoperability of complex C&M workflows that meet the needs of manufacturing in EU industry.
openDBL is an one-step Digital Building Logbook solution that is funded by European Commission. openDBL intends to integrate multidisciplinary know-how to solve the issues of the current situation. The challenge of the project is to allow, through the development of openAPI, the disposal of openDBL in a unique standardized platform and create useful content, to simplify the workload of the AECO industry.
MoreProiectul Smart Tools for Smart Buildings: Enhancing the intelligence of buildings in Europe (Smart²) aspires to deliver a cloud based open platform for assessing the intelligence of buildings, available in all 24 EU official languages, considering as well the specificities of the Member States, with a view to maximize synergies with other EU initiatives.
moreDuration: 2022-2025 This project is an EU-funded scientific project that brings together 14 partner organizations from 7 EU Member States with a €5 million budget and the aim of developing and validating a methodology that assesses the state of biosecurity on farms and at the same time makes predictions on several farms as well as increasing maturity of several disruptive novel techs, thus preventing possible infections.
HE-FARM will develop and validate a methodology -based on experimental assays and tests in lab & operational env- to assess and predict transport-channel resolved biosecurity and simultaneously increase maturity of several disruptive novel techs. A software/APP will be created to help with these procedures and proposed as a draft for a future EN standard.
MoreReference Number: 2022-1-BG01-KA220-HED-000085821
B-Green-ED Project aims to stimulate the European green economy and climate neutrality by developing innovative higher education practices related to the implementation of micro-credential courses developed in cooperation with European standardization bodies. The developed innovative micro-credential courses will be in line with labor market needs and will facilitate the provision of flexible, accessible, and inclusive learning focused on industry/sector-related environmental, management, and green standards that support the transition to a green and digital economy.
This project aims to reduce the pressure on the environment and climate in the design of infrastructure and construction of the transportation sector. Duration: 2022-2023
MoreSTRATEGY brings together standardisation bodies, policy makers, technology suppliers and first responders from several EU countries who will collaborate over three years to improve the interoperability of crisis management solutions both within and between countries
moreSince October 2019, ASRO is involved together with Bulgarian National Standards Body (BDS), University of Craiova, University of Burgas (Bulgaria), Technical University of Riga (Latvia), University of Turun (Finland) and University of Thessaly (Greece) in a project funded from the ERASMUS + line.
MoreThe COURAGEOUS project will develop a standardized test methodology for detection, tracking and identification of nefarious drones’ utilising countermeasure systems to protect the lower airspace. This standardized test methodology will be based upon a series of standard user-defined scenarios representing a wide set of use cases.
moreRomânia, prin ASRO, participă alături de organismele de standardizare din Austria, Germania și Spania la proiectul de Twinning „Consolidarea capacității Organismului Național de Standardizare din Ucraina”, ce are ca scop oferirea suportului Uniunii Europene pentru consolidarea capacității organismului de standardizare din Ucraina..
moreÎn perioada 2017-2020 s-a desfășurat proiectului european, tip FPA, BRIDGIT 2 – Bridge the gap between the Research, Innovation and Standardization Community , la care ASRO a participat, alături de CCMC (CEN-CENELEC Management Centre) și alte 9 organisme nationale de standardizare.
moreAsociația de Standardizare din România este partener la implementarea unui proiect care a demarat în noiembrie 2017, cu o durată de 42 luni, finanțat integral de Comisia Europeană și Asociația Europeană a Liberului Schimb.
moreProiectul de Twinning Light „Oferirea suportului Uniunii Europene pentru Institutul de Standardizare din Republica Moldova, în vederea îndeplinirii cerinţelor pentru a deveni membru cu drepturi depline la CEN-CENELEC”, este un proiect castigat si derulat de ASRO.
moreProiectul de Twinning MD/13/ENP/TR/14 – este noul proiect în care organismul naţional de standardizare s-a implicat alături de un consorţiu german şi de BRML – Biroul Român de Metrologie Legală.
moreProiectul european STARGRID pe linia FP7, alături de entităţi din Germania, Spania, Italia s-a desfăşurat pe parcursul anului 2013. Au avut loc raportări către Comisia Europeană privind „Smart Grid Stakeholders`Requirements” şi a fost lansat un chestionar special dedicat acestui proiect.
moreProiectul internaţional, pe linie FPA, BridGit, a fost demarat în 1 ianuarie 2013.