Standards for a Circular Economy

ASRO ASRO organizes the national workshop “Standards for a Circular Economy”,“Standards for a Circular Economy”, Thursday, September 22, 2022, between 9-13 at the Marshal Garden hotel. The event is part of the SABE project which aims to increase the interaction between national standardization bodies (ONS) and environmental protection organizations and respectively civil society organizations and between ONS and SABE (CEN Strategic Advisory Body on Environment).

CEN-CENELEC Strategic Advisory Body for the Environment (SABE)

CEN and CENELEC set up the CEN and CENELEC Strategic Advisory Body on Environment (SABE) to deal with the strategic issues related to the protection of the environment and climate change and to respond to the challenges posed by the developments within the various sectors as well as by the evolution of the legislation within the European Union. SABE is the strategic advisory body on environment to the CEN and CENELEC Technical Boards (BTs). SABE is the strategic advisory body on environment to the CEN and CENELEC Technical Boards (BTs).

The main tasks of SABE are:

  • Providing strategic advice for the CEN and CENELEC BTs on environmental matters and identifying future relevant topics;
  • Promoting standardization within the European Environmental Policy Framework;
  • Facilitating Information exchange among key stakeholders;
  • Supporting Technical Committees in addressing environmental related issues in the standardization works.


SA/CEN/GROW/EFTA/000/2017-11 – Engaging More Standards Bodies and National Environmental Organizations in the Environmental Aspects of Standardization

Cyprus Organization for Standardization (CYS)


  • European Committee for Standardization (CEN);
  • Romanian Standards Association (ASRO);
  • Bulgarian Institute for Standardization (BDS);
  • Standardization Institute of the Republic of Macedonia (ISRM);
  • Lithuanian standards board (LST);
  • Latvian Standards (LVS);
  • Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority (MCCAA);
  • Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing (UNM).
  • Increase interaction between NSBs and societal and environmental organisations (organisations in industrial sectors, NGO’s active in the field and Regulators answering to regional or national government) and between the NSBs and the SABE;

  • NSBs to actively pursue the participation at national level of societal environmental and other relevant organisations in the process;

  • Mobilisation of societal and environmental stakeholders by encouraging and facilitating their appropriate participation in the process of standardisation;

  • Improve flow of information between European and National bodies;

  • Increase participation in SABE activities on behalf of NSBs and NGOs;

  • Encourage CEN members with weak or no participation in CEN activities to see for themselves how international standardisation is organised (through this project) and thus make them understand the value of a strong NSB in this field.

  • The presentation of the project and its long term objectives;

  • The main actors in standardization and their role;

  • The importance of standardization and the protection of the environment at europena and global level;

  • The main European Policies and legislation that are influencing standardization;

  • How standardization can support EU environmental policies and the trasitIon to a green and circular economy;

  • The importance of addressing environmental aspects in standards;

  • The importance of participation in standardization at national level.