European standardisation is carried out within Technical standardisation Committees, organised by fields of activity. Their work takes place at the national level, as well as at European and international levels. National Technical Committees are mostly organised as a mirror of the European and/or international Technical Committees.
Definition of the Technical Committees
Technical Committees are entities without legal personality, attached to the National Standardisation Body. The standard SR 10000-3 lays down the structure and working arrangements of the Technical Committees. The Technical Committees of ASRO consist of groups of experts representing economic stakeholders interested in the standard-drafting process, in various areas of activity, coordinated by a representative of ASRO.
Constituency of the Technical Committees
The constituency of the Technical Committees must ensure an unbiased representation of the stakeholders in the specific fields: producers, users, consumers, authorities, etc.
Each Committee has a Chair and a Secretary
They abide by theCode of conduct
Aim of the Technical Committees
The aim of the Technical Committees consists of drafting standardisation works nationwide, participating in the works of the European and international standardisation bodies, in the field of activity specific to each Committee.
Organisation of the Technical Committees
- Technical Committees are set up by ASRO at the request of the economic stakeholders or due to the existence of similar European or international committees.
- They have a number, a title, and a field of activity delimiting their competencies.
- The activity of a TC can be ceased based on the decision of ASRO, for instance if the respective field is reorganised.
- The list of standards in force is reassigned by ASRO to other TCs, once the latter agree to that effect.
- Resolutions are adopted by consensus.
- The TC Secretariate is held by the institutions which meet the conditions specified in the convention signed with ASRO to that effect.
Activities carried out by the Technical Committees
- Adopting ratified European standards;
- Adopting published international standards;
- Participating in drafting European and international standards to be adopted as Romanian standards;
- Drafting, reviewing, and amending certain Romanian standards on the TC list;
- Examining periodically the standards in force on the TC list;
- Withdrawing any conflicting standards.
Eligibility to take part in the Technical Committees
Any individual or legal entity, stakeholder in a particular field, who is willing to participate in this activity, who has access to the Internet, speaks
international languages, and commits to abide by the operating regulations of the European and international organisations, and by the methodological standards, and who pays the annual member fee is eligible.